Sunday, March 10, 2013

Back in the Saddle

So, I have been MIA in the blogging world for the past seven months!! I have wanted to blog but it never feels right when I sit down to type. Tonight is no different. Blogging use to be so natural, so easy. I want to keep writing. Writing makes me better, it gives me a better perspective and always gives me a chance to reflect on what God is doing in my life. So, even though it feels a little funny, I am powering through and posting a blog. It probably won't be my favorite post, but it will get me back on track and writing again!

I didn't mean to take a break from blogging. Life just got crazy. Since my last blog, I packed up all of my belongings in a Budget Moving truck and moved to Colorado. It has been a challenging and growing experience, but in all honesty, I haven't seen a lot of the results of that growth. God is stretching me and continues to place me outside my comfort zone... and frankly, it is painful and so very humbling.

The word change has been on my mind a lot this week. Everything has changed. My heart aches for 24 hour shifts, four-day weekends, drives around the lake, long chats with co-workers, "crack-pot" meals, and landing helicopters on the interstate. Heck, I think I even miss Dusty-Bottoms telling me that I am pale and pastey. I miss PD stopping by to eat in my kitchen. I miss my family and my house. I miss my co-workers being my neighbors. I miss my youth group kids. 

Change is so peculiar because while it feels quite bitter, it leaves me with such sweet memories. As I evaluate things that are changing in my life currently, a phrase from 2 Corinthians 3:18 continues to run through my head, "changed from glory to glory."  I honestly don't even know the context of that verse, but God has used that phrase to remind me that change is a requirement in our lives, not only because that is simply how life goes, but also because it is the changes in our day-to-day lives that push us towards and makes us more like the one constant, never-changing thing: God. 

I have often said that my favorite characteristic about God is that He is constant. Change is bittersweet. God uses it for our good, but thankfully, He never changes. He is here with me in Denver just as He was in Albert Lea and in Rochester. He is the same God that blessed me with a wonderful family and amazing co-workers back in Minnesota... and He will remain faithful as I find my place in Colorado.