Monday, November 10, 2008

First Day as a Homeowner

Friday was my first official day living in Albert Lea! I spent the morning sleeping in and the rest of the day unpacking and running errands. Thursday night at 10pm, much to my dismay, I realized I own absolutely no silverware. Since I had no finger food, this made dinner an interesting adventure. Thankfully, the former owners left me a package of popsicle sticks which served as a butter knife so I could spread peanut butter on a piece of toast!! Anyways, one of my first purchases on Friday morning was silverware.

Friday night Deborah, Tasha, and I headed out to the city arena for the Albert Lea Thunder Game. Deborah's boyfriend, Wade, and Tasha's husband, John have season tickets to the game. They graciously allowed us to use their tickets that night so we could have a girls night out. We were joined by our the head of ER/OB nursing, Joy Shaft.
Deborah and Joy had decided last week that they needed to buy noise makers and the joke of the night became that Joy had purchased an airhorn and Deborah brought me along.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Chair

One of the things that I am most grateful for in the current stage of my life is a job that allows me time to spend with God while I'm on the clock and an employer on the lake. This summer I made it my habit to try and spend about an hour out by the lake reading my bible and praying every shift. There was a certain spot behind the hospital where I liked to sit - it was secluded and gave me a great opportunity to spend time with God alone in a very busy atomsphere. And best of all, this spot came with a chair.. a random plastic lawn chair just sitting out by its lonesome. One day in the begininning of September, this chair disappeared much to my dismay. I haven't spent much time outside since then because the ground has become cold and somewhat damp and also because there has been a large amount of duck poop anywhere I wanted to sit.

However, today, I really felt like I needed to be outside and to spend some quality time with God. I walked out to my usual spot expecting to sit on the ground... and BOOM, there is was my chair!!! I was so excited. It was a beautiful day out and I greatly enjoyed looking across the lake and seeing the street my new house sits on and enjoying the fall beauty.