Saturday, August 20, 2011

A Story of God's Faithfulness: A Year Ago Today

A year ago today, I spent the morning packing my bags and preparing to say goodbye to a good friend and the beautiful state of Colorado. The previous week had been wonderful, a week that included a lot of laughter, many old friends, and many reminders of God’s grace in my life. But, I was ready to go home. I was ready to face the adventure that God had waiting for me. A taste of full-time ministry was anticipating my arrival back to Minnesota and although the amount of responsibility scared me, I was thrilled at what God had so clearly pressed upon my heart to do.

As we drove to the Denver airport, Kara and I talked about our upcoming plans. We knew we would see each other again in September and most likely again in November, but we had no idea what God would do in the next year. God has done more in the last year than I could have ever imagined.

I remember the day in late October that Kara called to tell me about this guy she met at a costume party. It was only six short months later that I found myself back in the great state of Colorado helping her put together the plans for her upcoming wedding. I met her fabulous fiancĂ© that week and even some of his friends. The various details all started to come together (even all the little stupid blue ribbons that she asked me to tie). I was so excited about the man God had so perfectly matched her with and how happy she was. I couldn’t help but smile at God’s goodness in her life.

Two months later, I found myself boarding a plane and flying out to Denver again. We squealed with excitement for at least an hour after she picked me up from the airport. My goal was to be the best possible friend I could be – the week was about her. Little did I know what God was going to do in my own life that week. While I was out there God laid the ground work for some pretty important lessons in my life, the biggest of them being an important lesson in prayer.

Prayer is something that boggles my mind. And honestly, it opens a big old can of worms about the debate between free-will and pre-destination. I believe that God is completely sovereign and completely good – all of the time, with no exceptions. Because of that, I have always had the attitude (and still do) that prayer does not change God’s will, it changes us. The more time I spend in prayer surrendering any given issue to God, the more He will change my heart to match His. While I was in Colorado, God allowed me to know the inside story of one of His children who is going through, what I would consider, an extremely difficult time. I was given the opportunity to spend a great deal of time asking God to intervene in this circumstance. Maybe it was because I wasn’t praying for myself, maybe it was because I could see in God’s Word how I knew God wanted to answer this prayer, maybe it was because without God all hope seemed lost, maybe it was simply because I knew there was no other way to help, but regardless of the reason, I became extremely dedicated to praying for this situation and soon I found myself praying about something like I had never prayed before. In the book of James, God tells us to ask with the belief that He is capable and not to doubt that belief. For the first time, I felt like God was showing me what that looked like; what it meant to ask God for His goodness and His mercy, knowing that He could do the impossible if only I had enough faith to ask Him. And I have watched God answer that prayer and He answered in it in a mighty way.

I met a lot of new people while I was in Denver and formed some awesome friendships. One of those friendships is with a wonderful Midwestern girl named Kristin. Kristin was a fellow bridesmaid with me, but since the wedding has returned to Costa Rica to finish a teaching assignment. A few weeks ago, I received a message from Kristin telling me that her college roommate, Nicki, took a teaching job in Albert Lea and would be moving before the end of the summer. And I am so very excited and thankful for the blessing that a new friend brings, especially one that actually lives in my town!!

This morning, as I introduced myself to this new friend over breakfast, I was reminded of where I was a year ago and how much had changed. I remembered my conversation with Kara about what the upcoming year would bring and how God would use us… and I can say with confidence that neither of us expected the changes He brought about.

As I look to the future, asking God what it is He wants for the next year of my life, I am encouraged by the fact that God has been sovereign all along. It has been no secret that in my recent history that God has been teaching me about patience, about waiting without running ahead of Him, waiting without planning out each possible option. And as I look to the future and wait for God, I can honestly say, that I am waiting patiently, that I have surrendered the next chapter over to Him and although some days it is easier than other, that I am content to wait on Him.

Sometimes, it is discouraging that I am not sure what the next chapter is in my life or when God will turn the page, but I am thankful that I have learned that I can confidently go before the throne of God and ask with faith that He will lead me to the next season, to ask that He would even lead me to what seems impossible in my life.

I have been purposeful in my decision to serve God while I wait on Him, however today, God convicted me of the fact that I am not always willing to praise Him while I wait. And I am reminded that He has given me everything I need for life and godliness, that I was bought with a price, that the joy of the Lord is my strength, and that today is the day that He has made and I need to rejoice and be glad in it.

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