Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Chair

One of the things that I am most grateful for in the current stage of my life is a job that allows me time to spend with God while I'm on the clock and an employer on the lake. This summer I made it my habit to try and spend about an hour out by the lake reading my bible and praying every shift. There was a certain spot behind the hospital where I liked to sit - it was secluded and gave me a great opportunity to spend time with God alone in a very busy atomsphere. And best of all, this spot came with a chair.. a random plastic lawn chair just sitting out by its lonesome. One day in the begininning of September, this chair disappeared much to my dismay. I haven't spent much time outside since then because the ground has become cold and somewhat damp and also because there has been a large amount of duck poop anywhere I wanted to sit.

However, today, I really felt like I needed to be outside and to spend some quality time with God. I walked out to my usual spot expecting to sit on the ground... and BOOM, there is was my chair!!! I was so excited. It was a beautiful day out and I greatly enjoyed looking across the lake and seeing the street my new house sits on and enjoying the fall beauty.

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