Monday, October 20, 2008


I recently had the opportunity to go to Kosova (Kosovo) with a group of 10 people from Autumn Ridge Church. It was an absolutely fabulous time and I loved getting to know so many Kosovars as well as the many wonderful members of my team. God opened my eyes to many blessings that we have here in the United States. It is with new eyes that I look at suffering and trusting God. I am thankful that God cares about even the sparrows and that He has time to comfort us all in our troubles, because compared to Kosovars - I don't have a clue as to what trouble, pain or suffering really is. I am thankful that God cares about my broken heart as much as he does the broken and devastated nation of Kosova.

My sister bought me luggage for graduation in May... this is definitely one the best gifts ever. Have easily recognized luggage that is light weight and rolls smoothly was so nice. Also, on my list of best things ever to travel with includes the light weight fleece I wore everywhere in
Kosova and ambien which allowed me to sleep the entire trip from DC to Vienna and get 8 hours of sleep every night.

In Vienna, we were able to spend several hours exploring. It was nice to stretch our legs and see the beautiful city. We took what was called the Cat Cab - which I always ended up calling the Cash Cab - into the city from the airport before splitting up to do some sight seeing. Beth and I tried to get our picture taken by a "statue" but he started singing and grabbed my hand so i could not escape - nor could i quit laughing.

Bill Clinton is huge in Kosova. The biggest street in the capital is Bill Clinton Blvd and I was most of all surprised to see a picture of Bill Clinton hanging in the church... but sure enough - they love him.

It has been an adjustment coming home. I miss my new friends and not having a group of 9 others to carry me through difficult moments is tough. I'll include a few more pictures here. To my Kosovar friends, thank you for opening your hearts and blessing us with so many good things.

One of my favorite pictures:

One of the beautiful views we saw. This is taken in Istog which was the furtherest north we travelled in Kosova.

About one half of the children we had attend the local children's ministry the first week we were there.

1 comment:

Joy said...

The little guy sitting on the stairs is so cute. He looks like he needs a hug.