Wednesday, October 20, 2010

As Years Go By...

God has not called us to an easy life, but yet to one that is filled with great purpose and passion. It was a year ago, October 19th 2009, as I was driving home from a heart wrenching meeting that I felt an undeniable sense I was about to embark on a journey that would be one of the most challenging times of my adult life (at least thus far).

I look back now to know that my 25th year was by far one of the most challenging and stretching times of my life. God has led me out of heartache that I was sure would consume me forever to a peace knowing the lessons I have learned are for His glory. God asked me to make decisions that were astronomically difficult to make and completely impossible to understand at the time. There were times I have never felt more alone and times where God opened my eyes to family of supporters I have. He has introduced me to inspirations of grace and reminders of mercy that encourage and challenge me to step up and be who God created me to be. God has given me opportunities to see how His Strength is perfected in my weakness. I watch in awe of how God can use a simple failure like me to impact others for Him.

I am grateful for the years I have been given, knowing that each of them are a gift from God. They are a gift that I take for granted, but I know that I was bought with a price; a steep price that I could never pay on my own. So as I look ahead to the next year of my life, I pray that God will use me in the ways He chooses and that I will accept His will and step up to the challenge so that when this life is over and my years are through, I will hear Him say “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

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